Imdb Ranking 6.4
Michael Poole (John Hurt) gets out of jail and is immediately chased by a shady character who is hooked to some gangsters who are putting a drill bit in someone's foot. The gangster's want Michael brought to them right now, but he escapes in a taxi and finds a place in a house in Dublin as a lodger with a woman and her daughter.
Michael gets a job cleaning up in a slaughter house. Michael comes down and has tea with the women. Later when he leaves for work his landlady foes in to his apartment to see what he is always tinkering with, and finds a full size model train set. The daughter, Alice, begins to take a fancy to Michael. Soon Michael is showing Alice his trains. The next store neighbor Winnie, who often comes to visit, has a husband who is stealing women's clothes from the clothes line and then dressing himself up.
Michael loves his trains and Alice begins to love them too. Alice's mother is worried about the relationship. She thinks Michael is a chancer, but Alice is sick of her mother interfering in her life.
The bad guy chasing Michael finally catches up to him at the slaughter house and says Billy wants his money. Michael escapes and is a little late getting to his dinner with Alice. Alice tells Michael how her mother has always held her back.
Alice's mother takes an axe to the train set and the bad guys get a little more frantic in their search. Alice decides to go away with Michael. She loves him and she tells her mother.
The train gets off and Michael and Alice have a toast, "To us". Michael tells Alice that he was in jail for three months for embezzlement. He said before that, for years, he had done dodgy accounting for dodgy people. He is now on the run and Alice is not happy. Alice decides that Michael is a con artist and she wants to go back home.
The bad guy catches up and is going to cut Michael when Alice hits him with an ash tray. The police then take him away. Michael asks Alice to marry him, and she says she will if he will tell her where the money is. He says it is in a bank in Venice. Alice wants him to give the money back but Michael doesn't want to do it so Alice leaves him.
Michael goes to the bank and gets the money, Michael goes Billy in Dublin and Billy ends up coming to his hotel. Michael gives him the money and suprisingly, Billy leaves without hurting him.
Michael goes to Alice's house and tells her he gave the money back. No more running. Alice tells Michael that she will marry him.
A nice love story with two really good performances by the leads.