Imdb Ranking 7.7
The Carrigmore Residential Home for special people gets a new resident when Rory O'Shea is wheeled in. Rory has Duchenne muscular dystrophy and doesn't like to follow the rules too much. Michael Connolly has celebral palsy and has lived in the home for years, but no one couldunderstand his garbled speech until Rory moved in.
Rory takes Michael out to a bar and they meet a couple of girls. Then they go out to a club and hit the dance floor. When they get back to the home, Eileen tells Michael that she is very disappointed in him.
Tory brings Michael to se his father, an asks him to provide a wheel chair accessible flat for them. Michael's father agrees. Rory and Michael now have a place to live in Dublin.
Michael and Rory advertise for a care-taker but don't like the applicants. They see Siobhan who they had met at a pub working at a supermarket and convince her to take the job. Before long Michael falls for Siobhan but she doesn't feel that way about him. She tells him that she is just getting paid to do a job.
Siobhan gets Peter, a qualified Personal Assistant to take her place and Michael is really upset. Michael wheels himself over to a bridge and wants to kill himself but Rory talks him out of it. Rory tells Michael that his heart is broken too. He tells Michael that he can't give up.
Later Michael finds Rory in bed struggling to breather and Michael calls for an ambulance. The nurse tells Michael he probably only has a day or two to live. Michael goes to the review board with Siobhan and tries to get them to declare Rory capable of living independently. Michael tells the board how much Rory has done for him. The board tells Michael that Rory can have the right he applied for.
,br> When they get back to the hospital Rory has died. Michael and Siobhan attend the service at the cemetery and later Michael thanks Siobhan.
A very good movie about the power of the human spirit which shouldn't be limited by what some may think are disabilities.