Imdb Ranking 7.3
The movie opens in black white, and we meet twelve years old Kylie and Dylan, two working class kids who don't seem to be having too much fun. Kylie's uncle Maurice stops over and Kylie is not thrilled. When he comes up to her room she hides under her bed. Next door Dylan's Da knocks his mom about and then punches her in the face. Dylan hits him in the head with something and then flees in terror. He locks himself in the bathroom and then climbs out the window on a ladder that Kyle put up. They break a window and then some water pipes and Dylan and Kylie run away.
With some money Kylie has taken from home, the pair head in to Dublin. Kylie and Dylan talk about his brother , who everyone says his dad killed, but Dylan thinks is living in the city. As they leave their homes behind some color starts to come in to the film.
They hitch a ride on a junkyard boat with a Spanish guy who is a big Bob Dylan fan. Kylie and Dylan have never heard of Dylan, so their captain sings some Dylan for them and then we hear the real thing as a back drop to the end of the river journey. As they approach Dublin the film is now fully colored. Dylan and Kylie get off the boat and head on to the streets as Christmas rapidly approaches.
They do some shopping and buy some sneaks with wheels on the bottom. They see a guy on the street with Christmas lights on singing Dylan. They they go out and search for Dylan's brother Barry. They find out he was in a fight and got kicked out of his apartment and is now living on the streets.
Dylan wants to go home but Kylie refuses to abandon the search. As Kylie talks to a beggar some social workers try to talk to her but she runs away. Dylan eventually sees Kylie as she runs out of a store with a man in pursuit of her and they join up in the alley. Kylie tells Dylan that her uncle abused her and she doesn't want to go home.
The kids then meet Down Under Dylan (Stephen Rea) who they think is the real Bob Dylan. He gives the kids a beer and says Merry Christmas. As night hits the streets empty but the Chritmas lightd reflect in the snow. The kids go in an outdoor skating rink.
Later two men pulls Kylie in to their car and Dylan follows after, holding on to the car and rolling on his skates. When one man tries to get Dylan off the car, Kylie escapes from the other and they run away together, The streets of Dublin aren't all they were made out to be.
Dylan and Kylie kiss and she says she's never letting him go. The kids lie down on some cardboard in an alley to go to sleep. When they wake up there is a dead man under the cardboard next to where they had been sleeping. They walk about, and stop and talk to a policeman. They are driven back home and the color starts to fade as they head back to their dreary existence. When they get back home Kylie's mother hugs her and Dylan's mom comes out to get him.
Good acting and good music in a very nice little movie about two twelve year olds in love in a grey Dublin working class neighborhood.